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Standards for Meals and Nutrition 660-05-30-35

(Revised 1/1/08 ML 3118)

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Minimum standards for the provision of meals and nutrition are as follows:

  1. Three meals must be served daily.
  2. There may be no more than fourteen hours between the conclusion of the evening meal and service of breakfast.
  3. Each meal must be nutritious and well balanced in accordance with the recommended dietary allowances of the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.
  4. Adequate amounts of food must be available at all meals.
  5.  The special dietary needs of the residents must be considered in all menu planning, food selection, and meal preparation.
  6. Consideration must be given to residents' cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds in food preparation.
  7. Meals must be regularly and routinely prepared in the home where the residents live.
  8. Charges imposed for resident meals provided by persons or facilities other than the provider must be paid by the provider unless the provider made a meal available at the home.













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